
The department has a high scientific and pedagogical potential, which ensures the successful development of scientific and educational activities.

  1. 1. The teaching staff:

The department includes highly qualified teachers, including doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors with extensive experience in scientific and pedagogical work. Each of them is actively engaged in research activities, publishing articles in international scientific journals with a high impact factor and participating in research grants.

  1. Scientific activity of undergraduates and students:

Undergraduates and students of the department are actively involved in scientific work. They:

  • Participate in university and international scientific and practical conferences, where they demonstrate their scientific achievements and developments.
  • They participate in scientific project competitions, often winning prizes, which confirms the high level of training and relevance of their research.
  • Implement joint research projects with teachers and external partners, including textile industry enterprises.
  1. 3. Interaction with the professional community:

The Department actively cooperates with international and national scientific organizations, which contributes to integration into the global scientific community. Teachers, undergraduates, and students participate in joint research, exchange programs, and seminars.

  1. 4. Competitive achievements:

Students and undergraduates of the department regularly become laureates and winners of scientific project competitions, grant programs and innovation competitions, which confirms the high level of professional training and creative potential.

These achievements testify to the significant contribution of the department to the development of science, the training of competitive specialists and the introduction of innovative technologies in the textile industry.

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